Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Things I'm thankful for...

I can't believe that we are already in the midst of Thanksgiving week. It doesn't help that it's 70 degrees outside and the mild weather does anything but make me feel that Turkey day is here and Christmas shopping is right around the corner. I have been reminded several times in the last couple of weeks how much I have to be thankful for. My mental list is long, but it seems like it all boils down to a few things:

1. Being able to do what I love, and love what I do, and do it all from home.

2. My supportive husband, our two smiling, happy children and the sweetest golden retriever puppy we could find. While they make my time at home certainly more chaotic, it's considerably more enjoyable with them around!

3. Unlimited long distance and email. Even though I'm far away from family and some of my best friends, it doesn't feel like so much time has passed between visits when you can communicate daily, hourly, even to quickly call back for the last thing you forgot tell, which then turns into another 30 minutes...

4. That we all have our health. After watching some friends and family as they battle cancer, some with small children at home, and others who have a sick or disabled child, I can't be more thankful for those in my life, and that we have our health. 

5. A Thanksgiving at home. This will be our first Thanksgiving with just the 4 of us, and I'm looking forward to it. We are still planning on cooking a traditional dinner, but I've decided that we'll save the china for next year and Grady and I will decorate the table. We are doing pinecone turkey place card holders, crepe paper flowers for the centerpiece and may even attempt this Mayflower replica. Grady really wants to "do the boat!" I'm looking forward to working on it with him tomorrow. We'll see how it all turns out. Until then–

Happy Thanksgiving!

pinecone turkey place-card holder from Martha Stewart

paper Mayflower replica centerpiece