Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's in the cards—

I must say that while I have a pretty good memory, I am horrible about remembering people's names after the first meeting. It used to be that I would hone in on one detail like, "you know, the girl with the really pretty gold chandelier earrings?" or "the one with the cute leopard flats?" Details like that were always lost on my not-so-observant husband and really didn't do me much good when the next sighting their outfit had changed completely and I had no way of recognizing them. Now I find myself noticing their children instead rather than accessories, but I still can never remember the mother's name, leading to exchanges of "Hi, Jack's mom..." being commonplace in the nursery school parking lot.

If you have found yourself in the same boat, have no fear, there is a solution— the mommy card. One of my genius mom-friends, Emilie, asked me nearly five years ago to design one for her. She was new to town at the time and wanted a card with her contact information so she could arrange playdates, etc., with the other mom's she met at preschool, the park, etc. I thought it was a cute idea and happily obliged, but just didn't realize exactly how valuable it could be.

Here are a couple of examples:
These are cute, handy, and so much faster than digging around in your huge bag to find a scrap of paper and a pen to exchange email addresses in the school parking lot!

And for those of you whose "kids" happen to be the four-legged furry kind— How about these for the dog park? Puppies need playdates, too, right?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sign me up!

I just was looking over Whitney English's blog and saw her post on Boatman Geller's new product Carrie and Tuck. It's a perfect little stationery case with pockets for notecards and envelopes, a pen, and a clipboard to keep your list of who needs to be written. Sign. Me. Up. Between Grady's birthday and Frannie's arrival I have a list of at least 45 thank you notes to write, and I haven't even sent birth announcements out yet. And I try to stay on top of these things! People have been so kind with bringing us dinners, baby gifts and birthday gifts, and somehow, my list is not getting any shorter. I believe if this is not the solution to my problem, it certainly will be a nice way to accessorize it! I will most definitely order the kelly green and fill it with my own Anne Hitchins stationery, of course!

Boatman Geller Carrie and Tuck

My monogrammed foldover notecards in kelly green & black.
One last thought: I am always trying to simplify my life and come up with a perfect go-to gift. I think I'll take Whitney English's lead and this would be a great shower gift for new moms and brides-to-be alike. A cute case stocked with personalized stationery—how could you go wrong? Now if I could only figure out how to order the Carrie & Tuck monogram online...


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back to School

It's September 1st and time to get back to school! I love all that September brings: fresh routines, cooler temperatures, and new school supplies. Why not up the cute factor and make it personal with a new bag tag for your backpack, lunch bag or even ballet or sports bag? They're perfect for gifts, too!

backpack tag

lunch bag tag

My super-cute 3 year-old model, Grady, on his first day of school.